Thu 26th Dec 2019
Table of Contents
Two’s Complement
Two’s complement is a way of representing signed binary numbers that makes signed addition use the same logic as unsigned addition.
The most significant bit now represents $-2^n$ instead of $2^n$.
For example, 1011
in two’s complement represents -8 + 2 + 1 = -5
An easy way to convert a number to two’s complement is to flip all the bits and add 1
We look at three different adders:
- The Half-adder, which adds two bits together, producing a sum and a carry.
- The Full-adder, which adds three bits together, producing a sum and a carry.
- The Adder, which adds two n-bit numbers together.
A Ripple Carry Adder is an Adder that is build from multiple Full-adders chained together. This is simple, but inefficient as for an n-bit number you have a delay of n cycles as you wait for the carry bit to propegate.
A Carry-lookahead Adder is more efficient, but more complicated.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit
Our ALU will compute a set of functions on two 16 bit numbers. The chosen function will depend on six control bits - leading to $2^6 = 64$ possible different functions, although there are probably only about 18 interesting ones.
Control bit:
zx - zero the x input
nx - negate the x input (after zeroing if requested)
zy - zero the y input
ny - negate the y input (after zeroing if requested)
f - function, 1: Add, 0: And
no - negate the output
For example, if zx
, nx
and f
were 1
, we would:
- Zero the
input, giving0000000000000000
. - Negative it, giving
1111111111111111 = -1
. - Add
, givingy - 1
This was designed manually, thinking backwards from the list of functions the authors wished to support.
Half Adder
a b | sum carry
0 0 | 0 0
0 1 | 1 0
1 0 | 1 0
1 1 | 0 1
sum = XOR(a, b)
carry = AND(a, b)
Full Adder
a b c | sum carry
0 0 0 | 0 0
0 0 1 | 1 0
0 1 0 | 1 0
0 1 1 | 0 1
1 0 0 | 1 0
1 0 1 | 0 1
1 1 0 | 0 1
1 1 1 | 1 1
sum = XOR(XOR(a, b), c)
carry = OR(AND(a, b), AND(b, c), AND(a, c))
Looking at answers on the internet, most people combined two Half-adders here.
Wikipedia on the other hand has the same logic for the sum
, but uses one fewer AND
gates on the carry
by AND
ing with XOR(a, b)
instead (src).
For the adder I implemented a Ripple Carry Adder:
CHIP Add16 {
IN a[16], b[16];
OUT out[16];
HalfAdder(a=a[0], b=b[0], carry=c0, sum=out[0]);
FullAdder(a=a[1], b=b[1], c=c0, carry=c1, sum=out[1]);
FullAdder(a=a[2], b=b[2], c=c1, carry=c2, sum=out[2]);
// ...
FullAdder(a=a[15], b=b[15], c=c14, carry=c15, sum=out[15]);
And for the Incrementer (saving mostly so I remember the syntax):
CHIP Inc16 {
IN in[16];
OUT out[16];
Add16(a=in, b[0]=true, b[1..15]=false, out=out);
For the ALU it seems wise to create a new block that applies the “maybe zero, maybe negate” logic.
A chip can have multiple out wires (which is useful for the “is result zero” and “is result negative” flags).
Extend turns 0
into 0000000000000000
and 1
into 1111111111111111
CHIP Extend {
IN in; // bit to extend
OUT out[16]; // 16-bit output
Mux16(a=false, b=true, sel=in, out=out);
CondZero conditionally zeroes a value:
CHIP CondZero {
in[16], // 16-bit input
z; // zero the input?
out[16]; // 16-bit output
Not(in=z, out=notz);
Extend(in=notz, out=notz16);
And16(a=in, b=notz16, out=out);
Actually thinking about it, I could get rid of Extend and just do:
Mux16(a=true, b=false, sel=z, out=mask);
And16(a=in, b=mask, out=out);
CondNeg conditionally negates a value:
CHIP CondNeg {
in[16], // 16-bit input
n; // negate the input?
out[16]; // 16-bit output
Not16(in=in, out=notin);
Mux16(a=in, b=notin, sel=n, out=out);
IsZero checks if a value is zero:
CHIP IsZero {
IN in[16];
OUT out;
Or(a=in[0], b=in[1], out=a);
Or(a=in[2], b=in[3], out=b);
Or(a=in[4], b=in[5], out=c);
Or(a=in[6], b=in[7], out=d);
Or(a=in[8], b=in[9], out=e);
Or(a=in[10], b=in[11], out=f);
Or(a=in[12], b=in[13], out=g);
Or(a=in[14], b=in[15], out=h);
Or(a=a, b=b, out=i);
Or(a=c, b=d, out=j);
Or(a=e, b=f, out=k);
Or(a=g, b=h, out=l);
Or(a=i, b=j, out=m);
Or(a=l, b=l, out=n);
Or(a=m, b=n, out=o);
Not(in=o, out=out);
And putting this all together we can construct our ALU:
// Implementation: the ALU logic manipulates the x and y inputs
// and operates on the resulting values, as follows:
// if (zx == 1) set x = 0 // 16-bit constant
// if (nx == 1) set x = !x // bitwise not
// if (zy == 1) set y = 0 // 16-bit constant
// if (ny == 1) set y = !y // bitwise not
// if (f == 1) set out = x + y // integer 2's complement addition
// if (f == 0) set out = x & y // bitwise and
// if (no == 1) set out = !out // bitwise not
// if (out == 0) set zr = 1
// if (out < 0) set ng = 1
x[16], y[16], // 16-bit inputs
zx, // zero the x input?
nx, // negate the x input?
zy, // zero the y input?
ny, // negate the y input?
f, // compute out = x + y (if 1) or x & y (if 0)
no; // negate the out output?
out[16], // 16-bit output
zr, // 1 if (out == 0), 0 otherwise
ng; // 1 if (out < 0), 0 otherwise
CondZero(in=x, z=zx, out=x1);
CondZero(in=y, z=zy, out=y1);
CondNeg(in=x1, n=nx, out=x2);
CondNeg(in=y1, n=ny, out=y2);
And16(a=x2, b=y2, out=and);
Add16(a=x2, b=y2, out=add);
Mux16(a=and, b=add, sel=f, out=res);
CondNeg(in=res, n=no, out=out, out=out2, out[15]=ng);
IsZero(in=out2, out=zr);